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ppp Nama Saya Rendy Aprizia Prayoga Saya ingin Menjadi Blogger Yang Creative dan bukan jdi blogger yg plagiat selain itu saya juga ingin mengerti tentang technology :D Dan Selain Itu Saya Ingin Di banggakan Oleh Kedua Orang Tua Saya Dan Menjadi Anak Yang Di Percayai dan di Kagumi Oleh Keluarga Saya :) hahahahah.... Dan Saya Ingin Juga Belajar Tentang Blogger Dan Mendesaign Suatu Website Dengan Hasil Keringat Saya Sendiri :) Tpi Saya Juga Belum Terlalu Bisa Mendesaign Website Tapi Saya Terus Belajar Tentang Mendesaign Suatu Website Dan Ingin Di banggakan Oleh Teman-Teman Saya Di sekolah :) Mungkin Itu Yang Hanya Saya Sampaikan :) wkwkwkwkwkkw.... Lihat Profil Lengkap Ku


Share with me the blankets that you're wrapped in
Because it's cold outside, cold outside, it's cold outside
Share with me the secrets that you kept in
Because it's cold inside, cold inside, it's cold inside

And you're slowly shaking finger tips
Show that you're scared like me so
Let's pretend we're alone
And I know you may be scared
And I know we're unprepared
But I don't care

Tell me, tell me
What makes you think that you are invincible?
I can see it in your eyes that you're so sure
Please don't tell me that I'm the only one that's vulnerable

I was born to tell you I love you
Isn't that a song already?
I get a B in originality
And it's true I can't go on without you
Your smile makes me see clearer
If you could only see in the mirror what I see



Slow down girl -- you're not going anywhere
Just wait around and see
Maybe I am much more you never know what lies ahead
I promise I can be anyone, I can be anything
Just because you were hurt doesn't mean you shouldn't bleed
I can be anyone, anything, I promise I can be what you need


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